Welcome to the Loose Lips podcast taken from our Radio Show on The Red Radio every Wednesday between 2-4pm, where we dive deep into candid conversations about life, love, and everything in between. Join us as we explore intriguing topics, share personal stories, and invite special guests to join the discussion. Tune in for thought-provoking insights, hilarious anecdotes, and genuine connections. Whether you’re a long-time listener or new to the podcast, there’s always something exciting happening on Loose Lips.
Loose Lips with Ebony Silk Burlesque Star
Join us of another action packed show on The Red, we have a showbiz update with Mr Will Foxx, lots of chatter and we are joined by Burlesque Star Ebony Silk. Ebony chats to us about life as a showgirl, what it’s like performing 20+ shows in 4 days at The Edinburgh Fringe, how she combines…
Loose Lips with Tigz from Everyone Active
Join us for our weekly mix of chatter, fun and great music. We are joined by our guest for this week Tigz from Everyone Active chatting about the benefit exercise on mental health and Tigz gave us some practical tips on how to get over the honeymoons stage of being a gym member and develop positive…
Loose Lips with Stella Stewart, Retired Careers Advisor
Join us for our weekly mix of chatter, fun and great music. Its results week for GCSE’s this week and last week everyone got their A Level results we are joined by our friend and guest for this week, Stella Stewart who is a retired Careers Advisor. Stella talks to us about the process for clearing…
Loose Lips with Mel from Kindred Spirits Investigations
Join us for our weekly mix of chatter, fun and great music. There’s the usual showbiz update Mr Will Foxx and finally we are joined by our guest for this week Mel from Kindred Spirit Investigations After Donna has been on a few of Mel’s Paranormal Experiences she was determined for Mel to come along for a chat!…
Loose Lips with Victoria from iHypnotise Wellness Centre
As well as great music this week we’re talking about Glastonbury, Travel hacks for flying and social etiquette for public transport.There’s the usual showbiz update from our International Man of Mystery Mr Will Foxx and finally we are joined by our guest for this week Victoria from iHypnotise.
Loose Lips with Gee and Rani from The Little Indian Street Food
We’re talking about Charlotte’s Euro’s outfit, Love Island and lots more! Gee talks about how his family came to Teesside and how they both met, we also hear some of Rani’s tips for cooking authentic Indian food and how they add so much flavour to their food
Loose Lips with Tony from Anthony Jones Properties
Join us for our weekly mix of chatter, fun and great music. We’re talking about our many domestic goddess fails, inspired by our Epic Fail caller Tracy from Houston Texas. Our guest this week Tony from Anthony Dobbins Properties.
Loose Lips with Cath Ellis, Local Farmer
Join us for another fun show, as well as our usual features of Showbiz with Will and a hilarious epic fail from Katie. We are joined by local farmer Cath, its a fascinating chat about how it feels to be a female farmer.
Loose Lips with Victoria Downes
Another busy week, as well as our usual features of Showbiz with Will and a hilarious epic fail we are joined by local Children’s Author Victoria Downes, it was lovely to hear Victoria’s journey into being an author and also hear some exerts of her book.
Loose Lips with Sharon from the Queen of Green
Join us for a fun show, as well as our usual features of Showbiz with Will and our epic our guest of the day is Sharon from the Queen of Green, Sharon helps with plant suggestions and answers all of our questions!
Loose Lips with Kelly from The Fostering Company
Our second guest of the say is Kelly from The Fostering Company, it was great chatting with Kelly and asking questions and dispelling myths about who is eligible to Foster Children, it was extremely insightful and we hope it’s made more people consider being a Foster carer.
Loose Lips with Aaron from the Conscious Self
We are joined by our guest for this week Aaron from The Conscious Self. Aaron has hosted several events for us at Pimm’s and Needles and we have also been on his retreats, but it was a lovely way to get an insight into Aarons journey, how he has left his job to focus full time…
Loose Lips with Gareth the Poet
We have a hilarious epic fail from Nikki, we’re chatting about stars visiting the North East with Will in our Showbiz news, and finally we have a fantastic guest, Gareth the poet. Gareth is probably the most unlikely poet you could meet – by his own admission!
Loose Lips with First Time Flyers
Our guest this week were our first ever celebrities! Poppy and Vicki from First Time Flyers, we chat about their new single and their experience of opening for Bruce Springsteen at Hyde Park.
Loose Lips with Tracy from Cruse Berevement
We are joined by Tracy from Cruse Bereavement, Tracy talks about her journey into volunteering for this charity when she had a corporate job and how rewarding she has found it. She now works within the charity in a business capacity working with volunteers and councillors to offer support at a time when people need it…
Loose Lips with Erin from the Barn Middleton St George
Our guest for the day was Erin from The Barn, Middleton St George, taking about skincare and taking a holistic view to your wellbeing. Erin shares some practical tips for looking after your skin and also tells Charlotte off for using facial wipes to remove her makeup!
Loose Lips with Karla from the Protection parent
We are joined by Karla from The Protection Parent, Karla talks about her journey into working in insurance and how she is driven by providing a good service to her clients. Karla juggles a family with a growing business and has some practical tips for all parents to safeguard their family.
Loose Lips with Keely from KP Papercuts
Our guest for the day was Keely from KP Papercuts, taking about the therapy of paper cutting as a craft, her peri menopause journey and her experience of appearing on Kirstie’s Handmade Christmas on Channel 4
Loose Lips with Ruth from Ecologico
Our guest was the lovely Ruth from Ecologico who told us about how she managed to go a whole year without buying anything new, a fascinating story and her inspiration for her business where she makes and sells eco friendly products from her mobile van.