The group usually meets once a month at Worsall Village Hall at the following times:

  • Second Thursday of the month between 19:00 and 21:00

How it all works

You can join us as a member by filling in the “Start your Membership” link below, which will ask you for a £13.50 card payment, you will then get details emailed of how to set up your direct debit and become a rolling member. We will then take payment for your first session via the direct debit, so you have always paid for current month and next month. For example if you join on 1st January, and you wish to start at the group in January you will make one card payment then one payment via direct debit.

When you decide to leave simply give us 30 days notice from your last intended session, and we will cancel all future payments as your last session is already paid for. Click here to email, we will need your full name and group.

We also offer the option of joining for a 6 month block and paying upfront, please contact us with the name of the group you’re interested in joining and we can send you some information

As we are a not for profit group (a CIC) and run on tight margins this enables us to forward buy materials for the correct number of people and plan effectively.

You can also join us as a guest to see what you think, or if you want to just come now and again! The “Guest Place” link is below and its £17.50 per session, if this is not available its because the group is full

Both options include all of the materials you will need for the sessions along with Tea & Coffee

The group is very friendly, you’re welcome to come with friends or on your own! We have flying solo tables for anyone alone, so you won’t be on your own for very long!

You can read more about our groups and our membership by visiting Frequently asked questions or if you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, get in touch!

Our Meetings for the next few months 

Membership Registration

Group Host: Mary King