Pimm’s and Needles joint founder and author Charlotte will be leading this textile workshop where you will leave with a beautiful cushion cover. Working with a template, you choose a shape (or design your own) from a. variety of templates, which you will embellish with a variety of embroidery stitches and buttons before fusing your design onto a pre-made cushion base.
You will learn a range of embroidery stiches such as back stich, blanket stich, chain stitch as well as lazy daisy and stictched roses.
Embroidery is a great activity for relaxing a busy mind, it is a practice that combines the art of hand stitching with the calming benefits of mindfulness techniques. Stitching threads can be an incredibly meditative and grounding activity. It engages both the hands and the mind, making it an ideal way to focus attention, reduce stress, and practice being present in the moment.
We know you will absolutely love this session!